Wow!! A lot has happended since my last post. Where do I begin?
Marty has been out of town in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to help start up a second business. He left on December 1, 2007 and should be back in May 2008. It seems like forever but at this time it is almost over.
Marty did come for the Holidays and ended up staying a little longer that expected. Unfortunatley, our friend Shelli Guillot was called home by the Lord on 1-1-08. It is the craziest thing to try to understand but we know that God has His own plan and for now He needed Shelli. It is hard for us here but with God's Grace we will get thru this tragedy.
Last week I finally mailed off the information to the Immigration department to get approved to bring a child into the country. We are now waiting on the confirmation and then all that is left is the final signature and stamp of the State of Louisiana. Can you believe that it has taken this long to get this accomplished? I hope things begin to speed up.
I know Shelli is sitting next to the Lord right now. Maybe she'll put in a few words for us.
We Love You Shelli!