Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Blog for Kaegan
I have created a blog for Kaegan. It is www.kaeganscalling.blogspot.com Please visit this new blog for the most recent updates. Kamiko's blog will remain active and we will continue to update it as we proceed with her adoption. Thanks!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Little One
My little one, my precious joy
I am waiting for you
My precious son, my little boy
I know you're waiting too
My little one, my precious joy
I'm whispering to you a prayer
My precious son, my baby boy
I hope to soon be there.
I am waiting for you
My precious son, my little boy
I know you're waiting too
My little one, my precious joy
I'm whispering to you a prayer
My precious son, my baby boy
I hope to soon be there.
Safe and Sound
May you be safe and sleep soundly through the night,
May you be safe as you wake to the morning's light.
May you feel our love from so far away,
May it comfort and protect you throughout each day.
We will pray for you daily my little one,
Until our time of waiting is finally done.
We will pray that the Lord keeps you safe from harm,
Until the day we can hold you safe in our arms.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Kaegan Michiah Kent
We have decided to name him Kaegan Michiah Kent. Marty found the name Kaegan and I loved it. The name Michiah is a name that Marty and I decided on several years ago when we first began trying to have kids. We liked it because it fit both male and female. The name actually came from 2 Kings. Michiah blew the trumpet at the dedication of Jerusalem.
Marty and I have picked out the bedding for Kaegan and I am ready to start painting. We will keep Kamiko's room as it is and make the other guest room Kaegan's room. I have a lot of cleaning out to do before I can begin to do anything in there. That has been my junk room and the closet is a huge mess. I will be very busy this weekend.
I spoke to the agency yesterday and our acceptance letter has been sent to China. China will now look over it and send us documents to sign with our confirmation as his parents. Next we will apply for our VISA's and the child's and finally we travel to get him. This normally takes anywhere between 3-5 months. The agency said that they will rush everything so we can have him home by Christmas. Wow!! Wouldn't that be great!!
Marty and I are so excited. We have been talking about how Kaegan is already walking and is going to be moving around this house alot. I told Marty that the long plane ride home from China is going to be very interesting with a 2 year old. We talked about how we are going to have to get doggie gates to put at the top and bottom of the stairs so he doesn't climb up them or fall down them during the night. Anyway, I could go on and on about the things we talked about but I won't bore you. Just know that we are very excited and thrilled to finally be parents.
Keep on praying!!
Marty and I have picked out the bedding for Kaegan and I am ready to start painting. We will keep Kamiko's room as it is and make the other guest room Kaegan's room. I have a lot of cleaning out to do before I can begin to do anything in there. That has been my junk room and the closet is a huge mess. I will be very busy this weekend.
I spoke to the agency yesterday and our acceptance letter has been sent to China. China will now look over it and send us documents to sign with our confirmation as his parents. Next we will apply for our VISA's and the child's and finally we travel to get him. This normally takes anywhere between 3-5 months. The agency said that they will rush everything so we can have him home by Christmas. Wow!! Wouldn't that be great!!
Marty and I are so excited. We have been talking about how Kaegan is already walking and is going to be moving around this house alot. I told Marty that the long plane ride home from China is going to be very interesting with a 2 year old. We talked about how we are going to have to get doggie gates to put at the top and bottom of the stairs so he doesn't climb up them or fall down them during the night. Anyway, I could go on and on about the things we talked about but I won't bore you. Just know that we are very excited and thrilled to finally be parents.
Keep on praying!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It's a Boy for sure!
On September 3, 2008 at 1:55 p.m. Marty and I confirmed that yes, we would adopt a precious boy. I received a phone call this morning from the agency that requested we send a childs medical information to our doctor to get a better understanding of his medical condition. The paperwork stated that the child has a congenital heart condition. I contacted our doctor who happened to be off today and she was kind enough to check her email and read over the documents. She also contacted a pediatric cardiologists in regards to his records. They both did not see any major concerns.
I called Marty, who is at home sick today, talked to him about what the doctors said and we both decided to pray quickly about it and call each other back. A few minutes later I called him because I could not wait to hear his response. We both felt that it would be selfish of us to deny this precious boy because of our desire for a girl. How could we possibly do that. The Lord has blessed us with 2 opportunities for a boy within in the last 4 weeks. I think He might be telling us something. Anyway, at 1:55 I contacted the agency and told them he was our son!!
YEAH!!!! We have a baby boy. He is 2 years old and was born on August 3, 2006. I would love to post his picture but I can't until we get an approval from the agency. We should have him home by Christmas. We are so excited and have lots of preparing to do. As you all know we are extremely prepared for a girl. I can't wait to prepare the place for our son.
It is amazing how much love we have for him already and all we have are 2 pictures and medical documents. I know that this is God's Agape' love that is unconditional and everlasting especially now when we haven't even touched his precious hands or cute little cheeks.
Please continue to pray for us as we continue this process. I will post his pictures as soon as I can.
God Bless,
I called Marty, who is at home sick today, talked to him about what the doctors said and we both decided to pray quickly about it and call each other back. A few minutes later I called him because I could not wait to hear his response. We both felt that it would be selfish of us to deny this precious boy because of our desire for a girl. How could we possibly do that. The Lord has blessed us with 2 opportunities for a boy within in the last 4 weeks. I think He might be telling us something. Anyway, at 1:55 I contacted the agency and told them he was our son!!
YEAH!!!! We have a baby boy. He is 2 years old and was born on August 3, 2006. I would love to post his picture but I can't until we get an approval from the agency. We should have him home by Christmas. We are so excited and have lots of preparing to do. As you all know we are extremely prepared for a girl. I can't wait to prepare the place for our son.
It is amazing how much love we have for him already and all we have are 2 pictures and medical documents. I know that this is God's Agape' love that is unconditional and everlasting especially now when we haven't even touched his precious hands or cute little cheeks.
Please continue to pray for us as we continue this process. I will post his pictures as soon as I can.
God Bless,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Almost a Boy
Yep, that's right. Almost a BOY! Monday morning I received a call from our agency telling us that they sent an email with a picture of a child, the medical reports attached and wanted Marty and I to pray about adopting this child. It was a precious boy with delayed growth. The medical report stated that he was healthy but was delayed in growth due to the lack of activity and movement. After talking and seeing the child's picture Marty and I decided to contact a doctor and ask her to look at the reports and help translate them. Marty and I have no idea how to read these reports. Anyway, the Dr. gave a few questions to ask the agency which we felt were also of importance before we said yes to adopting him. We also contacted a dear friend who we trust and love unconditionally and asked him to take a look at the report as well. His response was the same with more of a concern of the motor skills.
WOW! What do we do? Do we accept this child? Is this God's desire for us? Is wanting a girl just our desire or did God place that desire in our hearts? If so, then why did we receive this child so quickly? If we accept this child will he have medical issue that we can deal with? Many, many more questions were asked over and over. Finally, we decided that if I were actually pregnant and we wanted a girl but went to the doctor to find out that I was pregnant with a boy and that he would have a medical condition we would still have this child and provide for him and love him unconditionally. This child sent to us by email is no different.
This morning we had decided that pending a Hep C test and an updated motor skills report that we would indeed adopt this child. However, God had other plans. Marty called the agency to talk to our case worker but there was no answer, he did leave a message. After the call I returned to my email to see if they responded to our email and they had. It stated that this boy had been adopted already by someone else. WOW!! Isn't it awesome how God closed that door.
I had mixed emotions when I read the email. I was upset that he was not going to be ours but thrilled that someone else has no chosen their child. I pray for this boy and his new family. I pray that will love unconditionally as we would have.
These past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions and a learning process. We now know that when they send a special needs request they literally mean that yes, they need an answer that day.
Please continue to pray for us and our child. Please pray that we will make the right decision when the time comes.
Thank you to all who prayed with us this week!
In His Name!
WOW! What do we do? Do we accept this child? Is this God's desire for us? Is wanting a girl just our desire or did God place that desire in our hearts? If so, then why did we receive this child so quickly? If we accept this child will he have medical issue that we can deal with? Many, many more questions were asked over and over. Finally, we decided that if I were actually pregnant and we wanted a girl but went to the doctor to find out that I was pregnant with a boy and that he would have a medical condition we would still have this child and provide for him and love him unconditionally. This child sent to us by email is no different.
This morning we had decided that pending a Hep C test and an updated motor skills report that we would indeed adopt this child. However, God had other plans. Marty called the agency to talk to our case worker but there was no answer, he did leave a message. After the call I returned to my email to see if they responded to our email and they had. It stated that this boy had been adopted already by someone else. WOW!! Isn't it awesome how God closed that door.
I had mixed emotions when I read the email. I was upset that he was not going to be ours but thrilled that someone else has no chosen their child. I pray for this boy and his new family. I pray that will love unconditionally as we would have.
These past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions and a learning process. We now know that when they send a special needs request they literally mean that yes, they need an answer that day.
Please continue to pray for us and our child. Please pray that we will make the right decision when the time comes.
Thank you to all who prayed with us this week!
In His Name!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Vanessa's Blog
I have added Vanessa's blog to the page. She recently designed one for all of us in the USA.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Paperwork Finally Complete in US
YEAH!!! On July 15th, I received and email from our agency that they have sent our completed dossier off to be authenticated. Today I just received the message that the agency received our authenticated dossier and have sent it to China. It is official that our paperwork will be in China within a few days. I am so excited!!! We are now waiting on our login date from China. This can take from a few weeks to 3-4 months to receive. Please pray that it much sooner. Once logged in we just wait for the phone call.
Keep on Praying!!
Keep on Praying!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
100 Wishes Quilt
Ok, so a few months ago I mailed out over 100 letters to family and friends explaining the 100 Good Wishes Quilt. I have learned that there are many people who read our blog and have been praying for us thru this process. We would love for you to continue to pray and should you choose to be a part of the quilt, we would be honored. Please consider this letter to be your invite to share with us on this wonderful journey.
Dear Family and Friends,
Many of you know that Marty and I are in the process of adopting a precious child from China. We have been praying for girls in hopes to receive twins. Yes, twins! That is our desire however, God may have other plans. Our agency has informed us that twins are very unlikely but not impossible. We will be excited either way.
The adoption process has been a very educational experience for us. We recently learned of a custom, originating in the northern part of China. It is tradition to make a “One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt”, or “Bai Jia Bei” as it’s called in Chinese, to celebrate a new life in a family. To create this quilt, one asks one hundred people to each contribute a single square patch of cloth. The 100 patches are sewn together into a quilt that contains the luck and good wishes from all those family members and friends. We would like to begin gathering patches for a quilt for our daughter.
Can You Spare a Square?
Would you consider contributing a square of cloth along with a separate written wish or prayer for our child on a small card or piece of paper? You may chose to send one piece of fabric representing the whole family or individual pieces for each family member. Please attach a small square of the fabric to the wish card or letter. These wishes will be going into a scrapbook, and when our child gets older she can match the squares of the quilt to the wishes in the scrapbook. The size of the squares should be "8X8”. The material should be a cotton fabric, either printed or solid – you make the choice.
We have learned that Ladybugs are a sign of good luck in the Chinese adoption community. It is said that if you see ladybugs good things will happen soon! Because of this, many people like to include fabrics with ladybugs in their 100 Good Wishes Quilts. However, ladybug fabric is very hard to find. A wide variety of fabrics and colors will make the quilt vibrant and interesting. Anything goes – as life is an unexpected patchwork of happenings and events. We would greatly appreciate the material and wishes you could send for our daughter. They will be treasured forever.
Thank you for your love and prayers,
Marty and Tiffany Kent
If you need our mailing address please feel free to respond to this post with your email address and I will send it to you by email. We hope to hear from you soon.
Dear Family and Friends,
Many of you know that Marty and I are in the process of adopting a precious child from China. We have been praying for girls in hopes to receive twins. Yes, twins! That is our desire however, God may have other plans. Our agency has informed us that twins are very unlikely but not impossible. We will be excited either way.
The adoption process has been a very educational experience for us. We recently learned of a custom, originating in the northern part of China. It is tradition to make a “One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt”, or “Bai Jia Bei” as it’s called in Chinese, to celebrate a new life in a family. To create this quilt, one asks one hundred people to each contribute a single square patch of cloth. The 100 patches are sewn together into a quilt that contains the luck and good wishes from all those family members and friends. We would like to begin gathering patches for a quilt for our daughter.
Can You Spare a Square?
Would you consider contributing a square of cloth along with a separate written wish or prayer for our child on a small card or piece of paper? You may chose to send one piece of fabric representing the whole family or individual pieces for each family member. Please attach a small square of the fabric to the wish card or letter. These wishes will be going into a scrapbook, and when our child gets older she can match the squares of the quilt to the wishes in the scrapbook. The size of the squares should be "8X8”. The material should be a cotton fabric, either printed or solid – you make the choice.
We have learned that Ladybugs are a sign of good luck in the Chinese adoption community. It is said that if you see ladybugs good things will happen soon! Because of this, many people like to include fabrics with ladybugs in their 100 Good Wishes Quilts. However, ladybug fabric is very hard to find. A wide variety of fabrics and colors will make the quilt vibrant and interesting. Anything goes – as life is an unexpected patchwork of happenings and events. We would greatly appreciate the material and wishes you could send for our daughter. They will be treasured forever.
Thank you for your love and prayers,
Marty and Tiffany Kent
If you need our mailing address please feel free to respond to this post with your email address and I will send it to you by email. We hope to hear from you soon.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
This is too cute!! Now that the paperwork is done and its time to wait, My sister says it's time to relax. She sent this to me today in an email. I thought I'd share it with you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Finally Finished!
Marty and I just finished mailing off the final and last piece of the adoption puzzle. All of the paperwork is complete and State certified. This was an extremely long and tidious process. I am so glad to have this over. I have contacted the agency to them know that they will be receiving our complete dossier by 4:00 tomorrow evening. Lets pray they receive it and then do not lose it. I have attached a picture of the paperwork. I am so proud to have this finished that I had to take a picture to put on the blog so everyone else could see what we've done. Keep on
Just for the record, these are individual stacks of the certain documents.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Paperwork Found
YEAH!!! The agency called and they found the paperwork. I was so excited. I was dreading having to redo some of it. I also returned home from work today to find a card from the post office telling me that a package came for me that I must sign for. Guess What??? It is from the State of LA. It is the final piece of the adoption puzzle. Tomorrow I will pick it up, run to Kinko's to make 6 colored copies of each page and then send it with a signature card to the agency. We will then be done!!!
Keep praying that the paperwork is correct and not expired. If everything is good then all we do now is wait.
Keep praying that the paperwork is correct and not expired. If everything is good then all we do now is wait.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Follow-up from Agency
The agency just called and they still cannot find the paperwork. Our case worker is sending over night the agency form that needs to be filled out again because they need the original document for that. The rest of the paperwork can be copies. Hopefully this will be corrected by the time I get the paperwork from the State. I contacted our local social worker to inform her of the situation. She will be the one to complete the missing form. I am determined to complete all of this by Friday of next week. I will keep you posted.
Good News, Not so Good News and Good News
Ok, so my birthday was good. I did not get the paperwork mailed off like I wanted to but that was ok because I mailed it off yesterday!!! YEAH!!!!! Our paperwork should be State Certified next week. They will receive it today but I am sure it will not be processed until Monday. Hopefully I will have it back next week and then I can send it to the agency and complete this whole process by Friday!!!!!!
Now the bad news! I called the agency to confirm that they received our first completed set of documents. Well, they can't find them. I checked the USPS site and it shows that it was delivered on the 9th. CRAZY!!! Is this a sign from GOD? I don't know but I do know that if they do not find the paperwork they are going to receive a call from Marty and it will not be a friendly conversation. Please pray that they find the paperwork and that all runs smoothly from here.
I will keep you posted.
Now the bad news! I called the agency to confirm that they received our first completed set of documents. Well, they can't find them. I checked the USPS site and it shows that it was delivered on the 9th. CRAZY!!! Is this a sign from GOD? I don't know but I do know that if they do not find the paperwork they are going to receive a call from Marty and it will not be a friendly conversation. Please pray that they find the paperwork and that all runs smoothly from here.
I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Expired Paperwork Already!
Can you believe it!!!! I was getting the last bit of paperwork together to send to the State and noticed that the medical reports are now expired. I wanted to scream. They expire after 6 months. That means that we will have to continue to update these and our fingerprints often over the next two years or until the process is complete. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am determined to send this paperwork off as my present to me. Marty said that I should not worry because of course it is in God's timing. Typical answer from Marty. I just feel like I am the one slowing everything down. Anyway, I do agree and accept the fact that bumps are going to continue to happen along the way. I am just ready for a smooth ride.
Continue to pray!
Continue to pray!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Finally!!! We Received the document!
Yeah!!! I am so excited. I just opened the mailbox and found our letter from the CIS with the Approval Letter we have been waiting on. This is the absolute last document we need. Tomorrow I will call our agency to confirm that I have all the paperwork in order. Then I will fedex the paperwork to the Secretary of States office in Baton Rouge to have them certify each document. I will need to make 4 copies for the goverment both US and China. Crazy huh. I may make 6 color copies just in case something gets lost. And finally I will send the documents to the agency where they will then send them to China. That is a process that is approximately 2-3 weeks. Hopefully all of this will be completed by Friday of next week.
Anyway, I just wanted to update you.
Keep on praying.
Anyway, I just wanted to update you.
Keep on praying.
Friday, May 30, 2008
10th Anniversary
WOW!!! Can you believe that Marty and I have been together for 10 years today? Instead of vacationing like we had planned we decided to take a staycation at the house for a few days. Relax, catch up on bible study, work in the yard and clean the house. Sounds crazy but I am looking forward to spending the days with Marty. We have been so busy the last year that staying home and working together is going to be fun and relaxing.
Looking back at the past 10 years, it has been a wonderful road that I am honored to have taken with Marty. We were married in 1998 and lived in our first house on Pecan square. We shortly moved into our 2nd house in Broadmoor where we met two incredible individuals, Lori and Karl Kaufman. They introduced us to our church that we still attend today. From there we moved to Conway, Arkansas into our 3rd house for 1 year due to Marty's business. We returned back to Shreveport and lived with my parents for 9 months until we found our 4th home in Haughton on Millcreek. While in Haughton Marty and I had an opportunity to host a exchange student from Germany for one year. It was one of the greatest descision Marty and I have made. Vanessa became our child instantly. We still communicate regularly and plan to visit her in Germany this Christmas. Also while on Millcreek we had an incredible business opportunity that we decided to take. In taken this business deal we needed to sell our Coffee News business and our house in order to get the money for our percentage of the business. So, we sold the house and yes moved into our 5th house back in Broadmoor. The house that was next door to our previous house and the exact one that Lori and Karl lived in. We started the business and a few months later moved into our 6th house back in Haughton. That is where we are today.
Through the past few years we have also been on the roller coaster ride of infertility. After several medications and a few procedures we have come to the conclusion that having a child is definitely not God's plan for us now. We have started the adoption process which is why we have this blog.
I am so thankful for Marty. He is a wonderful husband and the best friend a gal could ever have. We have had a fabulous 10 years together and I am looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us for the next several years.
Thank you honey for loving me.
I love you and always will!!!
Looking back at the past 10 years, it has been a wonderful road that I am honored to have taken with Marty. We were married in 1998 and lived in our first house on Pecan square. We shortly moved into our 2nd house in Broadmoor where we met two incredible individuals, Lori and Karl Kaufman. They introduced us to our church that we still attend today. From there we moved to Conway, Arkansas into our 3rd house for 1 year due to Marty's business. We returned back to Shreveport and lived with my parents for 9 months until we found our 4th home in Haughton on Millcreek. While in Haughton Marty and I had an opportunity to host a exchange student from Germany for one year. It was one of the greatest descision Marty and I have made. Vanessa became our child instantly. We still communicate regularly and plan to visit her in Germany this Christmas. Also while on Millcreek we had an incredible business opportunity that we decided to take. In taken this business deal we needed to sell our Coffee News business and our house in order to get the money for our percentage of the business. So, we sold the house and yes moved into our 5th house back in Broadmoor. The house that was next door to our previous house and the exact one that Lori and Karl lived in. We started the business and a few months later moved into our 6th house back in Haughton. That is where we are today.
Through the past few years we have also been on the roller coaster ride of infertility. After several medications and a few procedures we have come to the conclusion that having a child is definitely not God's plan for us now. We have started the adoption process which is why we have this blog.
I am so thankful for Marty. He is a wonderful husband and the best friend a gal could ever have. We have had a fabulous 10 years together and I am looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us for the next several years.
Thank you honey for loving me.
I love you and always will!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Kamiko's Room
Everyone has asked about Kamiko's room so I took pictures for you. The design is called "China Lily". It is perfect for our Kamiko. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Marty, Stephanie and I traveled to Chicago for a business training. While we were there we actually had the time to walk the streets of Chicago. WOW!!! I have been several times to Chicago for business and never had free time. We walk the Magnificent Mile and believe it or not we witnessed a protest on Michigan Avenue. That was crazy!!! Thousands of people were out protesting the war. It was the 5 year anniversary. We also took pictures dowtown and a few with our friends from the corporate office. We learned alot and had a blast.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Business and Travel
I have no new news about the adoption at this time. I just felt like posting and thought I'd fill everyone in on our busy lives. Marty and I have been blessed with a business that we opened on November 1, 2006. It has been a wonderful and fun experience. We have traveled more in the last two years than I think I have ever traveled. Indiana, Chicago, Missouri, California, Florida and recently Chicago again are a few of the places we have been. Marty and I recently also became partners in two additional businesses. All three have been keeping us quite busy but like I mentioned earlier, I love every minute of it. It also helps the time fly by. Before we know it we will have our family. I thank the Lord for the busyness because I would be going nuts waiting for the adoption process to end. Isn't awesome how well the Lord knows us and does a much job than we do when in control. Anyway, That is what we have been up to.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Jackson, MS
We'll our scheduled date for the Immigration Homeland Security fingerprints just happened to be on a date that Marty and I were to be in Chicago. I was so upset when I received the letter. Mom and I drove to Jackson, MS last Wednesday and met Marty, who drove up from Baton Rouge. There we got our last set of fingerprints and are now waiting on the approval letter. Once this is complete we need to get everything state certified and then we are to sit back and wait!!!!! YEAH!!! Just a few more steps.
I received a call from our agency the other day and we have a new social worker. Her name is also Tiffany. She is the one that will make sure that the paperwork is completed correctly and will assist us in the China process.
Marty is now home for good from Baton Rouge!!!! Yeah!! I missed him so much. It is great having him home and back in the office. He brings so much joy to everyone, especially me!
Continue to pray for the process!!
I received a call from our agency the other day and we have a new social worker. Her name is also Tiffany. She is the one that will make sure that the paperwork is completed correctly and will assist us in the China process.
Marty is now home for good from Baton Rouge!!!! Yeah!! I missed him so much. It is great having him home and back in the office. He brings so much joy to everyone, especially me!
Continue to pray for the process!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Catching Up!!

Wow!! A lot has happended since my last post. Where do I begin?
Marty has been out of town in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to help start up a second business. He left on December 1, 2007 and should be back in May 2008. It seems like forever but at this time it is almost over.
Marty did come for the Holidays and ended up staying a little longer that expected. Unfortunatley, our friend Shelli Guillot was called home by the Lord on 1-1-08. It is the craziest thing to try to understand but we know that God has His own plan and for now He needed Shelli. It is hard for us here but with God's Grace we will get thru this tragedy.
Last week I finally mailed off the information to the Immigration department to get approved to bring a child into the country. We are now waiting on the confirmation and then all that is left is the final signature and stamp of the State of Louisiana. Can you believe that it has taken this long to get this accomplished? I hope things begin to speed up.
I know Shelli is sitting next to the Lord right now. Maybe she'll put in a few words for us.
We Love You Shelli!
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