Wow!! Alot has happened since I last blogged. We have purchased along with our friends and partners and second DirectBuy in Baton Rouge, LA. Marty will be running the new center until May 1, 2008. Yes, he is moving down for a few months. I am in Shreveport taking care of business. In the meantime we are still working on the Dossier. It seems as if we have not completed anything in quite sometime.
Last night our social worker contacted me and said that the Dossier is typed up and ready to be sent to the Secretary of State for a signature!!! YEAH!!!! Well, had it not been so late (9:00 p.m.) I would have driven to pick it up because I was flying down to B.R. today. I could stop in and get them to sign it. Instead we will get it next week after Christmas and Marty will get it signed the following week. Merry Christmas to Us!!!
Lastly we will need to get Immigration approval and then send it off to China!!! It seems it has taken forever to get to this point but looking at the dates it has only been 3 months.
I will post an update as soon as there is one!! Keep Praying for our children!!
In His name!